Monday, March 11, 2013

Inside the Math Classroom by Amber Peek

Much like many other classroom settings, the math classroom can be a source of a lot of stress for English Language Learners(ELLs).  Often, the vocabulary is difficult and the context is reduced.  Also, teachers must consider that many ELLs have developed math skills in their native language; however, English acts as a barrier in their current environment.

In a math classroom, there are many things to consider.  For example, the vocabulary includes terms which can have double meanings.  Word problems could be confusing and difficult for an ELL to understand.  Also, the math teacher may also use technology and material that are unfamiliar to the ELLs.  

In order to overcome these challenges, teachers should teach academic vocabulary that is necessary for students to be successful in their course.  Sometimes, this could be as simple as offering a bilingual dictionary to students to assist them in their academic language acquisition.  Also, the teacher would need to explain that many words have multiple meanings and that it is helpful to look at other words around the vocabulary word in order to help increase understanding.  The teacher can also provide visual aids, graphic organizers, realia or pictures to further demonstrate the meaning of a group of words.

Another challenge that must be addressed is building background. Students should be assessed in their native language in order to determine their previous exposure and understanding of math content.  It should not be assumed that students do not know information simply because they are not English proficient.  The translators needed to complete this assessment can be found through the school district or sometimes community members can be helpful.  

Lastly, it would be helpful to provide students with language partners, who are more proficient in English.  This will help bring down the affective filter.  This will also bring down many cultural walls where many cultures frown upon addressing teachers with questions or concerns.  

Resource:Robertson, Kristina.  "Math Instruction for English Language Learners.

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